Good thread!
Originally Posted by RobertSmalls
We should all include the source of our data, so folks know how good the data is.
Yes, please! Links are also nice. I've added links to some of the posts above.
Also, when Wayne Gerdes reviews a car, he does an mpg vs mph test on it.
That's excellent. Ideally, that kind of info would come with all car reviews. Or at least with reviews about so-called economy cars.
Originally Posted by Frank Lee
Periodically we get claims of higher fe at higher speeds, or at a certain speed range that isn't near the low end. I suppose it's possible if an engine has a peaky BSFC combined with certain gearing and loading... but most of the time I'm tempted to chalk those claims up to faulty fe calculating.
That's exactly why I wanted to do that Corvette Z06 test: to get some actual data to point to when that tired old line comes up.