I commuted to work for 20 years on motorcycles, racking up over 100,000 miles on them. IIRC, motorcycle fatalities/100,000 miles are about 4X the car rate. The tempering factor is the rider's experience. 75% of motorcycle fatalities occur to riders in their first year of ownership of their bikes. That translated to me that once I got street smart, my chance of dying was the same as a cager's. Of course, I also rationalized that since there were zero motorcycle fatalities in my snow state in the wintertime, I was statistically immune from becoming a fatality then.
Boycotting Exxon since 1989, BP since 2010
Have you ever noticed that anybody driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac? George Carlin
Mean Green Toaster Machine
49.5 mpg avg over 53,000 miles. 176% of '08 EPA
Best flat drive 94.5 mpg for 10.1 mi
Longest tank 1033 km (642 mi) on 10.56 gal = 60.8 mpg