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Old 11-24-2010, 04:51 PM   #14 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by MorphDaCivic View Post
I lowered the LP holder by rotating 180 degrees, then notching using a pair of avaition tin snips. Also had to use longer bolts.

I have run 6 marathons so far this year.

If your top speed is 25 I can tell you that the HCH does not get great FE in that range. Seems the sweat spot is around 60 - 65 mph for me.

The IMA has about 8 modes that it goes through from stopped to cruising speed. So it may be your in a mode that is not as FE.

Really looking forward to the warm temps on Kona since I shoveled 5" of snow today!

I knew about the LP flip but not the longer bolts.

Have fun in Kona. Its honestly too warm for me there.

Nice log Dave

Got 39.8mpg on my last fill!

Ill be doing an air filter change soon and then logging another tank to see the difference.

Then Ill do the oil change with the same process.
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