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Old 11-26-2010, 03:56 AM   #1 (permalink)
aero guerrilla
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Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Warsaw, Poland
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Svietlana II - '13 Peugeot 308SW e-HDI 6sp
90 day: 58.1 mpg (US)
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How I almost didn't pass inspection

Last weekend my car was due for a registration inspection, first time since we bought it. Since they are supposed to check the wheels and suspension, I decided I'd go right after having the tires replaced for the winter, so no wheel skirts and only 2.5bar (36psi) tire pressure instead of my usual 3.5bar (51psi). Of course, on the way to the inspection station I noticed that the car coasts as if it was tied to a tree. In other words, it coasts like any other normal car. Thankfully, I still had the Kammback, so I actually drove the 5km in less than a full tank of fuel

The first thing that the inspector did when he saw my car was to say that the trailing edge of my Kammback is too sharp, then he ran his finger along that edge. I ran my finger and said it doesn't seem sharp at all. So he tries again, then again pushing even harder, looks at his finger and doesn't see any scratches or cuts, thinks for a minute, and says: "But what it that edge hit a child in the face? What would happen then?" I wanted to ask "What would happen if my car hit a child in the face?", but I bit my tongue. I only asked if I could glue some rubber or foam to that edge, but he said it would still be too sharp(!).

Then the sermon about homologation, to which I replied that the Kammback may be counted as temporary cargo, since it can be easily taken off, does not change the car's chassis in any way, allows rearward visability, and doesn't even stick out beyond the bumper or into the airstream. "But it should be tested, it may potentially be a hazard." The only way to not have homologation papers is if I am conducting research, which I immediately said I'm doing. But in that case I'd have to show documents which would prove that, so I quietly said that it's private research. He told me that if the authorities stop me then they may take my car's registration license away (which I doubt, since if I remove my aeromods while with the authorities, then the car will be stock and they won't have any reason to keep me from driving it). I remarked that policemen have been interested in the car more than once, but only to take pictures of it. "Of course, one hundred police patrols won't care, but the 101st patrol..." Some more blahblahblah and I finally asked if I should take it off right now, or can I do it at home? He said that he'll let me go, but "You should take it off immediately when you get home. If you want to, you can put it back on in two weeks, but if you get caught then you're to say that you didn't have it at the inspection."

Then the tests: he only checked my brakes and headlights, but didn't check many other things I was counting on: suspension, emissions and toe among them. But I got a stamp, so I'm OK until next year. Until then I'll get in contact with the Institute of Automotive Transportation (ITS, the Polish equivalent of Germany's TÜV) and ask about the details of making my aeromods legal.

Before I left the guy told me to fit a legal accessory from some other car. I told him that it's not just about slapping something on the back of the car, it's about reducing the wake area at the rear. The Kammback was precisely made with the correct angles, lots of research, etc. He said that maybe a spoiler that increases downforce would be better. I started to correct him, but stopped after 3 words since a big flashing red light came on in my brain. I just nodded, thanked him and left.

Two comments:
  • This inspection station is known for passing cars which usually wouldn't pass inspection. It doesn't do many or most of the tests, either because they are lazy, or because they don't want to pay for the extra wear and electrical consumption of the testing devices. That particular guy, as I later found out, is the worst in that station, and takes every chance he can get to recieve some extra $$$. As long as inspection stations like this are functioning there will be polluting, and even hazardous, clunkers on the roads.
  • Getting in touch with the ITS and finding out what how to legalize aeromods will be a tedious, but hopefully fruitful, experience. I don't know if the whole ordeal will be worth it, maybe I'll just stick to being an eco guerrilla (like Home Power's solar guerrilla), but maybe I'll get insights into how make my next version of the Kammy, wheelskirts and/or bellypan more (if not totally) legal. I'll start a thread here for other Europeans to know what to keep in mind when aeromodding. Yeah, it'd be nice to just pull out of the driveway with a cardboard boattail, but it just ain't gonna happen in Europe.

e·co·mod·ding: the art of turning vehicles into what they should be

What matters is where you're going, not how fast.

"... we humans tend to screw up everything that's good enough as it is...or everything that we're attracted to, we love to go and defile it." - Chris Cornell

[Old] Piwoslaw's Peugeot 307sw modding thread
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