Brucey, nice write up. A few weeks back I posted up about swapping LED lights into all the of the bulbs that are non-blinker. The cost was ~$60 and totaled near 72 watts of power demand dropped. Since we have near identical cars and electrical setups, I would wonder if I could get ~1/2 mpg doing the swap.
Found a site that gives the specs on the units:
Third brake light........0.051 amps (x1)...........vs....1.5 amps (x1)
Brake lights..............0.018/0.053 amps (x4) ..vs....0.666/2.25 amps (x4)
Plate Lights..............0.026 (x2) ..................vs....0.416 amps (x2)
Park/Corner Lights.....0.088 (x2) ..................vs....0.666 amps (x2)
Total.......................0.351................. .......vs...6.328
So six amp difference...hmm
6 amp x 12 volt = 72 watts
72 / 745.7 = ~0.10 hp (0.0965)
I am wondering, how did you disable the DRL? They turn off with the ebrake and I thought about putting a trip switch in that circuit to turn them off. Is there a better way?