The other day, some friends of our stopped over to visit.
The brought with their children, ranging in age from 10 years down to 4 years. So, of course, that means they brought toys.
While we were talking, I looked down and saw the one boy was playing with Matchbox Cars.
Wait a minute... Is that a....?
Sure enough, one of the cars he was playing with was a Tesla Roadster. My friend said that his son's favorite cars were the silver ones.
The detail on the toy car is actually pretty good. I looked up photos of the rear car right away to compare with.
So, I would invite you all to come over for a ride, but it's a little tight in that car.
Anywhooo, I think it says good things about the world when a kid can play with a toy electric car and think nothing of it.
What's next a Matchbox Leaf or Volt?
FINALLY! I can afford a Tesla!

Or maybe get one for X-mas.