Saturday, I took the cycle to the Milwaukee Hybrid Owners Group meeting.
In the morning, hybrid cars ( and my cycle) were out in the parking lot, where people could come see them and ask questions.
The meeting was at the Oak Creek (Milwaukee area) Public Library.
We were allowed to bring the cycle right into the meeting room. (rolled it on a tarp to keep the tires from dirtying the carpet)
I got to talk for 10 or 15 minutes about the cycle to the entire group.
The TV producer and cameraman showed up as I was most of the way through my presentation, so they did get some footage of me talking.
A day or two earlier, they already did long interviews with a few key members of the group.
They didn't get any footage of me zipping around on the cycle, but the producer did grab one of my electric cycle business cards. I got to chit-chat with him just a tad, and he mentioned something about maybe having to do a story on me sometime.