Thanks for the reply, saand!
Originally Posted by saand
the 0 - 80v may not be a steady voltage at 40v it may be a pulsed 80v at half duty cycle
Would a battery really care about this, assuming its charging rate & voltage was adjusted to keep the battery within specs?
battery chargers typically have multiple stages or modes of charging which this power supply wont have.
Understood. The plan wasn't to use this for unattended, automated charging. My thought was simply that I could slowly dial up the voltage to recharge a small battery. Not planning to try recharging the ForkenSwift pack with it
regarding the diode, it will have to be a really really big one, batteries can take up to hundreds of amps (not sure what the power supply can supply)
It's rated at "3 Amp treadmill rating / 8 Amp breaker". I assume that's the AC side.
Note: you may not even need a diode.
Any easy, non-destructive
way to determine this?
Thanks for the feedback!