I've only owned autos ( 1986 Ford LTD Wagon, 90 Olds 88, 07 Vibe), but learned on manuals my parents and friends had.
The perk of learning manual is that when you have a professor with two Corvettes, who simply must take them both to a photo shoot for the local Vette Club, you just might get to drive one of them!
Drove his 65 Vette for a little bit, then drove his 2000 6-speed the rest of the day. Yum.
Only reason I keep with autos is the amount of city driving I do, and the fiance can't drive a manual. Roadtrips would suck more if I was the only one who COULD drive.
When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe. John Muir
"Price is what the person pays. Cost is what society pays, here, now, elsewhere and into the future." Natural Capitalism