Center of Air Pressure
Just wanted to post another driving observation with the long tail on the Insight.
As you may know, we are in the midst of a winter blizzard with 30 and 40 mph winds.
My sister needed help snow blowing her driveway, and it was necessary for me to help.
After finishing her driveway I was headed north on an open stretch of road that allowed the 40 mph westward winds to hit the car from the left side. The roads were also very icy from the plows earlier in the day.
In one spot on the road it was glare ice and the wind was bursting to 40 mph. I could feel the car slide sideways from the wind pressure, and similar to before (in an earlier post), the front end gave way first. The car literally moved to the right about two feet during this fierce wind. Traction was minimal.
The center-of-pressure is still toward the front end even with a tail that is over three feet long in the back. If the pressure was toward the rear, the steering would remain neutral or even over-steer slightly, but this is certainly not the case, even on glare ice!
Other's should feel free to add their own tail without concern upsetting for the steering balance of the car during these events.