Originally Posted by basjoos
When I am talking with a "performance" car enthusiast, I tell them my car is patterned after a Bonneville salt flats land speed car and the all of the mods on my car are those used on the salt flats speedsters to reduce aero drag. That I did the mods for their great improvement to the high speed performance of my car and that the mileage improvement is just a fringe benefit of the mods. That just like their wet dream is a street legal NASCAR or Rally car, my wet dream is a street legal Bonneville land speed car.
Of course, when I am talking with a "greenie", I tell them I did it for the mileage improvement and that the high speed performance improvement is just a fringe benefit. Its just two sides of the same coin.
I just um.... want to throw this out there.... I get excited when I see stuff like the Aptera, but not
that excited lol