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Old 12-15-2010, 09:54 PM   #89 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by tumnasgt View Post
If that's the case, how did GM manage to sell 90% automatics in Western Europe in '98? Seems like it must be an incorrect statistic (if there even is such a thing as a correct statistic).

I think that a global ban on torque converters would do a lot a good. Or at the very least require that the lock up clutch is strong enough that it is locked whenever the vehicle is going over 10mph or similar.
An automatic without a torque converter would never work, or they would have one now. The only way I see to make that work is to have a computer use a clutch and change gears and such. It would be a massively complicated system. I am not an auto tech, but I don't see how you could practically make an auto work without a torque converter.

As far as the U.S. is concerned. We are a lazy bunch. I don't know about Europe and the rest of the world, but Americans want to talk/text on their cell phones, play with sat nav,mp3 and various doodads in their cars and generally want driving to be as easy as possible so they can be distracted with other things.
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