Originally Posted by Otto
Not much new to report from the Nova show.
Guy in Colorado sounds like a kindred spirit, working on carbon fiber for weight reduction.
No mention of aerodynamics, which per post here a couple of days ago is the major problem above ~30 mph. This is pathetic, given that Dr. Schlor et al had this pretty much figured out ~70 years ago.
Yeah, it was a bit disappointing, and sort of a teaser, as someone else mentioned. However, there was one mention of aerodynamics in the whole show, but it was only one sentence by the "guy in Colorado" involving the Hypercar. He mentioned that both the outside and underside of the car needs to be smoothed out, not to mention reducing the weight.
Here's a video from another show. The narrator seems to be the same one from Discovery Channel's Future Car series, so perhaps this clip is from that show and I missed this episode.