Thanks Paul!
That all makes sense.
I don't need board files yet, need to understand the design better (and sell it to the suits, er, fit it in the budget) before building anything.
How many microseconds does it take the over-current limit to activate?
I haven't studied the software, is there code to predict current limits and adjust on time to avoid over-current? Some way to adjust it or have it learn about different motors?
I guess I should dive into the code, BLDC motors are a bit different to drive than ACIM. Simpler in some ways, but still different. The code posted on the wiki is reasonably up to date?
How easy have you found the Microchip code to work with? I've done a lot of PIC work but never DSPic. Have you had to write a lot, or is it still mostly the Microchip example code?
Thanks again!