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Old 12-28-2010, 07:27 PM   #275 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by t vago View Post
Besides, if you were serious about stopping AGW, you ought to start working to ban other more powerful man-made greenhouse gases, like dihydrogen monoxide. You do know that dihydrogen monoxide is at least 2 times more effective at being a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, right? This is the most powerful solvent known to man, and it is part of the exhaust of coal plants. This stuff has also been found in cancer cells, and it's the major component of acid rain. It has been known to burn and even kill people. Symptoms of dihydrogen monoxide overdose include muscle weakness, twitching, cramping, nausea, vomiting, seizures, coma, and death. Sounds like you ought to go about banning dihydrogen monoxide, instead.
Nasty stuff, that oxidized hydrogen. Its liquid form is eroding away our topsoils, its solid form has eroded away entire mountains, and our oceans are thoroughly contaminated with it. Currently massive spills of its crystalline form are causing deaths and turmoil along much of the east coast of the USA and in parts of northern Europe. Yep, the government needs to step in and regulate it for our own good. Its obvious the free market isn't up to the job.
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