Originally Posted by Frank Lee
That says as much about the typical Murrican as it does about Rupert's "news". 
Wanna know why people watch Fox news? Because they haven't forgotten Dan Rather and his attempt to throw an election through fabricating 'the news' (which backfired), and 50 years or more of domination of the news media by the political Left. (Or 100 years, if you want to bow down to the "Old Gray Lady", AKA The New York Times.)
After that many years, any channel broadcasting counter-propaganda seems like a breath of fresh air by comparison.
I'll not deny that both sides propagandize. But let's not pretend that the global warming / climate change BS is anything other than a fund raiser for Left-wing partisan politics, aimed at fearful idiots. (You think that 'the sky is falling'? Have we got a book to sell you? You already bought AlGore's book. This one is the sequel.)
And the sheeple said: "Baa, Baa, Baa!"