Oh yes, the software on the wiki is definitely out of date. It's almost completely different from the Microchip code. Only one part is the same, and that's where you are doing the space vector pwm part, where you figure out how much pwm to set for each channel, based on where all the vectors are. My version is all C, and microchip's is assembly. Microchip also used floating point I believe, whereas I used fixed point integer multiplying. The goal was to have code be easier to follow, and not to learn pic assembly. haha. I've only done assembly language on regular computers.
It's all wired up now! Well, there's no fuse, but there's a contactor that can break 2000 amps. I have a slow blow fuse in the car that's rated for 300 amps, but the wiring I'm using is only good for 50 amps barely, so I didn't see a point in a fuse, but maybe I should.
Now the debugging of a ton of totally untested field oriented control code on a PMSM motor! I've never used the encoder before, so I hope it works like it should. Man, I think this part is going to be a challenge. Nothing like a DC controller. But I have the serial port all ready to go, and I'm going to need to see all that stuff going on. ya!