OK, since
Shack Status: Operational is imminent, I will have more modding time in 2011.
So here are 3 new tasks that weren't on my 2010 list (which I never got to anyway). The first mod of 2011 will be...
- ... not actually a mod, but rust repair to the underbelly of the ForkenSwift. I'm not sure just how bad it is, but I have reason to be slightly nervous about what I'll find when I start poking at it.
- Next, I want to improve an existing mod on the Firefly/Metro: relocate the coolant heater tank. Its current location has never been good for convection circulation.
And the 2010 mods I never got to:
Goals for the Firefly:
Goals for the ForkenSwift:
- basically I didn't do anything to it last year, so again everything on the 2009 list, plus...
- install tires with lower rolling resistance than the snows that are currently on it year-round