In 2000 I used aprox 3000L/yr [796 gal] of gasoline at a price of $0.50/L or $1500/yr.
In 2010 I used aprox 1400L/yr [371 gal]of gasoline at a price of $0.90/L or $1260/yr.
The amount I drive per year has not changed by more than plus /minus 5% in any given year. I would guess that inflation has been around 3%/yr over the ten years. It would appear that I pay less for the fuel to drive now than when the price of fuel was almost one half of what it is now.
In 2000 I was driving a 1988 Medallion 2.2L 4cyl that got 7L/100km, a Ford Aerostar mini van 2.3L 4cyl that got 9.5L/100km on a good day, and a 1989 Honda CBR600 that got between 4 & 5L/100km. In 2000 I used to drive 15km/hr above the posted speed limit, and did very little hypermiling.
In 2010 I drive an Aeromodded 2007 Yaris 4cyl 1.5L that gets 4.8L/100km, a 1997 Ford Aerostare AWD V6 4.0L that gets 9.5L/100km when I drive it, an Aeromodded 2007 Suzuki GS500 2cyl that gets 3.6L/100km. In 2010 I drive at 90km/hr on the highway in the car and van and 110km/hr on the motorcyle, on secondary roads I drive at 80 - 90km/hr with all vehicles. I do a moderat amount of hypermileing.