I just can't see the downside
Injury, illness, aging or a severe loss have a way of focussing a hot light on any deficiencies in plans. Doesn't have to be me, could be a family member or close friend. Our society is all too willing to tie people to debt peonage under threat of annihilation. The current plan appears to be to keep the majority somehow employed and in their homes. But if they can't sell . . . .
Financial instruments, of any sort, are not the best long-term solution, IMO. Tangible property is likely to be, again, as it has through history. I'd prefer mine to have it's own source of water . . . .
You fellas might enjoy reading about Factor E Farm (even though it isn't directly related: how to do something without big money). I think I appreciate the like-mindedness as much as any of the actual topics or projects (very fun DIY).