Voltage regulator not yet bought. Probably today. Need the caps too but which ones and where do they go? Polar or non polar??
I plan to ditch the resistor when putting in the regulator. I'm not up to wiring inside the guino assembly. It will all be external to it.
Usually when doing eoc I bump start it but i will use the starter after sitting at a light. Definitely there's a voltage drop with starter use and that could be when it resets due to the 8 ohm resistor.
Sorry I don't follow your last paragraph about the latest guino components. I can solder OK. The 8 ohm resistor is in a 4x2x2 project case with a major vent hole so I think I'll put the VR and heat sink in there instead of the resistor. Or maybe screw to the firewall for a heat sink.
Coast long and prosper.
Driving '00 Honda Insight, acquired Feb 2016.