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Old 01-28-2011, 11:59 AM   #410 (permalink)
t vago
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Meh. Like I said, this is nothing more than a dangerous (and rather inefficient) water injection method to support lean burn.

Say you provide 1000 watts of mechanical power to drive the alternator for this setup. At 60% efficiency, you now have 600 watts of electrical power to split water into H2 and O2 molecules. Then, you take that 600 watts at about 95% efficiency (wire and probe resistance, etc.) and get 570 watts equivalent of H2 and O2 flow. Never mind about the chemical processes involved - somebody else here can go into details if it suits them.

Now you burn this 570 watts worth of HHO (or Brown's gas, or whatever you want to call it) fuel flow in the engine, at about 20% efficiency. Congratulations! You just spent 1000 watts to generate 140 watts of motive power! In other words, you just wasted 860 watts!

I will say this, though. Water injection has been proven by NACA to allow lean air fuel mixes without detonation, and had been used extensively in World War II. GM even introduced a form of water injection with an 1960's vintage turbocharged car.

I'll keep following this thread for as long as it's open. Maybe something will come of it.
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