I definitely like the FAQ / padded room idea. Let 'em come in but if it's already established as bunk hocum, toss it in the bin, with full reasoning and explanation why. But, the "bin" remains as a place where the topic can be discussed - it's just clearly identified as bunk.
I manage an email chat list for my church and at one point I made the misguided choice to disallow political topics. I caught a lot of heat for that. Generally people felt that we should let people speak their minds, and I had to agree.
The email format didn't allow for the capabilities our mods have here, and so the "ban" was completely unworkable. I think that here, an FAQ sticky on a dedicated subforum would be a good plan. Of course the mods would have to move those threads into the bin as needed.
(Sorry, I'm not voting because there's no option yet for a stickie'd "Disproven Scams" subforum.)
Coast long and prosper.
Driving '00 Honda Insight, acquired Feb 2016.
Last edited by brucepick; 01-30-2011 at 05:25 PM..
Reason: fixed typo