Originally Posted by bestclimb
I have been in ANWR hunting caribou....I Saw more caribou near old and current drilling sites than once we got into the refuge. Old drilling sites by the way are a slightly raised square patch of tundra with a metal "Christmas tree" sticking out of it. From 500 feet AGL you have to know what your looking for and be looking in the right spot to even see it. On our hunting trip we took a drive up to Deadhorse for some supplies and to see the sights. Lots of caribou and musk ox on the drive up, some near, some far from drilling activity. The two uses are not mutually exclusive....
My buddy's father served at an air base in Alaska - the pipeline ran near or through the base, I don't recall which. He told us beyond the perimeter fence the caribou and other big game could be seen congregating near the pipeline, apparently they liked the hum, or the warmth or something.
Would mesh well with your description.