Originally Posted by CigaR007
I browsed the website and found nothing worthwhile pertaining to statistics demonstrating the advertised improvements. It's hard to believe a product when there's no data to back it up.
The only test data I saw indicated no improvement. In fact, it indicated the opposite for both m.p.g. and emissions. To Hatton's credit, he put the data up on his site (although it's not there now you can see a bit of it in the blog post). When queried, he had a variety of excuses... er.... rationalizations.... ummm.... reasons why the test didn't accurately reflect the potential of the Groove.
He claims poverty but he represents that he's done 500 of these at anywhere from $100 to $500 per and there's no material other then Dremel Tool bits to purchase as far as I can tell. He also trains "Gadgetmen" and I assume gets a franchise fee or royalties or something for each "downstream" installation. I'd think it would be a good investment to have some independent testing done.
Unlike Frank Lee, I don't think he's a con man, I think he believes his spiel. But without data, and a lot of damn good data at that, I don't. I will say that I smiled at a stranger today and we were both glad.