I was reading my popular science magazine and they say that we have the technology to take co2 out of the air and make fuel from it through some chemical processes, but they say the cost would be about 4 dollars per gallon so it's not reasonable. I was thinking they need to get the technology going so they can better the process you know like have it to where 20 percent of our fuel is produced from co2 in the next 10 years because if they add it to gas instead of ethonal then it would be more reasonable to do. If 20 percent of our fuel was made from co2 and the price is 4 dollars per gallon, and the price of fuel where i'm at is 3.14 dollars per gallon a 20 percent mix would be 3.51 dollars a gallon. Also the crap where the government stoped all nuclear power plant production was completly stupid cause the chinese are opening a power plant thats 100 times more effiecent then anything we have and there's no nuclear waste cause the plant burns the rods afterwards, so no radioactive waste to deal with.
sorry jim-bob i was in a hurry last night
Last edited by stovie; 02-11-2011 at 12:15 PM..