Originally Posted by Frank Lee
Evidently the U.S. motorist, in spite of the whining to reporters at every little price bump, in fact finds fuel to be cheap... cheap enough to squander even. In my neck of the woods, even the bottom of the economic strata e.g. every teenage buck who wants to mark his territory- somehow comes up with the funding for a V8 4x4 mud truck, jacked up, out of tune, driven in such as manner as to minimize fe, and of which the engine is never not running for a long enough period of time for it to reach ambient temperature. It appears we have yet to reach that price point where fe becomes a dominant factor in motoring behaviors.
Insurance may be a better route.
I have read of some 17-year olds (age for a licence here in the UK) being charged up to £3,500 (~$5k) for a year's worth of cover. They can reduce this with extra training on top of their basic licence and monitoring of their driving via GPS. But not by all that much.
So fuel becomes less of an issue in the total cost equation even with $9 gallons as they are here in the UK.
I have a 9.5 year old in my house so I suspect this become an issue before I want it to be.