That design would have required a fair amount of fabrication for the shelf/bracket for the upper batteries.
Also, I already have my vacuum pump, vacuum tank, motor controller, and electrics box (main contactor, fuse, ammeter, etc.) in front where I would have to move all that around to fit those batteries there.
Also, when I again want to increase system voltage, where would I put THOSE batteries!?!?
As it is, I still need to reposition the controller, and I want to redo/move/clean up a couple other components.
PS: Darin, what size is your motor? Mine is literally as big as would fit in the car. I think last time I measured, I didn't have the HEIGHT between the motor and the hood for batteries.
Last edited by bennelson; 02-14-2011 at 11:00 AM..
Reason: PS