Originally Posted by Arragonis
Today's annoyance - there is a 'park and ride' bus stop on my route to work - don't get excited it doesn't work for me - and the entrance has traffic lights on it. These sensibly have detectors so the lights only change when someone wants in or out. The bad bit is that a butterfly expelling excess gas in Brazil is enough to set these sensors off. So we all stop and watch as nothing pulls out.
Reminds me of a former annoyance. Large intersection with separate traffic light cycles for left turns and traffic in each direction of the crossroad, a total of 6 cycles in all. I would get there in the middle of the night, with no other car in sight, and the light would turn and I would wait through all of the cycles. That light had no sensors whatsoever - it just cycled through on its own little schedule, oblivious to butterfly, traffic volume, time of day, you name it.
I'm also mildly annoyed by never having been offered a date in an ecomodder ad, but I think I can live with that one.