What the Democrats need to remember is that the income of the individual does not exist for them to redistribute it. It exists for the benefit of the individual. Higher and higher taxes just take away the incentive to work or to live in a certain place. For example, I would love to live in New York again but there is no way I could afford the taxes. Property and school taxes for me would be about 10X what I pay in Florida and don't even get into the state income tax and sales tax rates there. I am not a wealthy person either. I am working class and make less than $30k a year. However, the taxes would keep me from realizing my dreams and improving my life so I am forced to live in Florida. This is also why the wealthy are fleeing states like New York and New Jersey in droves. The states therefore receive NO taxes from these people and they are losing the very people their social system relies on to pay for all of their social programs. Cities like Detroit also suffer under the weight of excessive taxation where the only people left are those that cannot afford to flee. Government can and must do less if we want any hope of saving our country. We cannot afford to keep adding to it's responsibilities anymore and paying for them by saddling future generations with debt. The free ride is over. Now it is time to pay the piper and start living within our means.
No green technology will ever make a substantive environmental impact until it is economically viable for most people to use it. This must be from a reduction in net cost of the new technology, not an increase in the cost of the old technology through taxation
(Note: the car sees 100% city driving and is EPA rated at 37 mpg city)