Originally Posted by Arragonis
Yep. If we all drove eco-vehicles like the "Dart Lite" then I think they would be very happy indeed in terms of volume shipped and who is addicted.
I applaud every attempt to increase FE, but aren't these type of vehicles weekend classic motors these days ? For everyday maybe a Civic or whatever gets decent FE in the US would be better. Maybe more boring, but better.
That tapped the "Dart Lite" specification has my "car geek" gland pulsing... I like historic stuff.
EDIT - No really I do. I have an MGBGT in my garage needing to be converted to an EV. The dart (above) is pretty and historically needs to be kept alive, but it is a real eco-mobile ?
I kinda figured that was what you meant, but I didn't want to jump to conclusions.
My daily transportation is a 97 Ram that is averaging 15mpg.
The Dart has the ability to get much better, with a multitude of tuning tricks and ideas.
So you are excited about my progress with the 360 in the Welsh cottage, but dismayed that I might move to a smaller vehicle, with a smaller engine, that gets better MPG?
I might be able to hypermile within my commute to a 20mpg average in the truck. I might also be able to hypermile the Dart to 30 mpg, which would be a 100% improvment over the current ride. Does that by definition not make me an eco-modder?
There may be people that can accept a commute in the cars you reference, but I will wholeheartely admit I am not one of them. I am an enthusiast first, and environmentalist second. I make my living selling speed and performance parts, lift kits, and oversize wheels and tires. I do choose to be as efficient as possible in what I decide to drive, but I would go nuts in a commute in one of the "boring" cars you would prefer.