Looked around a lot to try and find an enduro motor bike. Checked Craigslist and weighed my options. Even searched for 150cc scooters and kept coming up short. Few options used and the price people wanted was comparable with brand new. This Enduro felt right. Price was right at just $1500 so I bought it. Believe that if I sell or trade it the resale should be @$1k a few years from now. A China bike really didn't bother me. I can fix whatever breaks if need be. Read up on how to do the repairs, mostly changing the oil. I'll change it as soon as I get it. Then, after a 200 mile easy break in period. Should be ready to go with the dealer / mechanic prepping it. Said he already tuned the carbs. Hope to take delivery in the next 2 weeks.
Originally Posted by bdesj
Used is usually my prefference for any big purchases also, but I believe the OP has already bought his scooter.
Vacationtime, while I`ve never had any personal experience with "China Girls", my uderstanding is that you can go a long way towards improving reliability by doing some initial checks. I`ve run into a website dedicated to various "mail-order" machines like that which gives a lot of pointers as far as what to look over after delivery. It sounds like yours will be preassembled by the distributor, but it would probably be a good idea to go over it as soon as you get your hands on it. I wish I could remember the website, but I bet you can find it (or another like it) by googling around a little bit. Or maybe somebody else can step up with a more direct link for you?
So when do you take delivery? Wishing you good weather for the maiden voyage!