simular thing happened to me ( less the freeked out panic look as going down a mountainside) - but with a UHAUL Pickup i rented for a yardwork project.
As i has to refuel the truck ( F150 with a Duramax i believe) i wanted to squeeze the most MPG out of it.
after a check of coasting in N and shifting back to drive with rev match (no odd sounds or bumps or jerks)- I desided to see if i could also coast to the stop lights : Not to far of a coast mind you - maybe 100 yrds max, sit at the light OFF then restart and go.
Light turn green - turn the key ... Nothing happens...
i start thinking that there is something wrong with the truck - some rental disengagement lock or odd thing i missed.
then i look down and see i am not in park. DUH!!
and our PT Cruiser IS an AUTO and i SHOULD have seen this..
(somedays i live up to my Screen Name)
Steve - AKA Doofus McFancypants
"If there's a new way, I'll be the first in line - But it better work this time"
 First Milestone passed - 30 MPG (city) 5/15/08
Best City Tank - 8/31/09- 34.3 MPG (EPA= 20)
Best Highway Tank - 5/20/09 - 36.5 MPG (EPA= 28)
In effort to drive less:
Miles NOT driven in 2009 = 648 (Work from home and Alt Transporatation)