Thanks man. Any new purchase of this caliber makes me nervous. But being that it was brand new, if something goes, I'll only have myself to blame. Honestly can't remember the last time I paid this much for even a car! Typically get something to fix cheap, then sell it. Hope I get to drive the bike more than I'm fixing it. Not really that worried about it though, I don't plan on driving it like Evel Knievel. Did some research on these bikes, it uses a pretty common Chinese engine. Parts are available and I'm trying to join they ever send me a conformation in my email

Just because it's Chinese doesn't make it unreliable.
Originally Posted by bdesj
It is a gamble, but likely a gamble worth taking. Since the designs are mostly pirated (often copies of bikes/engines built in the same factories for better known makes, I presume), it likely comes down to a question of consistancy- one piece just hunky dory, and the next not quite right. Remember, Chinese built Kias and even BMWs are hanging in just fine. Most importantly, at the end of the day, no matter what "might haves" or "should haves" come up, he already bought what he bought, probably will get his money out of it, and I`m rooting for him and for his little enduro.
Go, go 200!