Originally Posted by htvfd460
... Got to the station at 80 miles and filled up to the 3rd click on the pump handle at less than 3 gallons.
The whole way i kept between 55 and 67 mph give or take a couple MPH......
I would cruise with the fullest lane and feel the resistance behind a truck or car and go with it. Inside turns up hill and outside to inside down hill trying to keep inertia.
So does it sound like a calculatory fluke or legitimate high score? Previous my best was 23.5 mpg, but this is a huge difference!
Unfortunately, I'm gonna have to say "calculatory fluke". I don't think there was enough miles and gallons to be extremely accurate, but a good commute none the less.
Use those strategies and keep entering fuel logs and you will be able to better tell if that performance will be sustainable.