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Old 03-21-2011, 03:06 PM   #36 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Take a look at the new Consumer Reports April, 2011 on vehicle repairs, page 78 and you will see a marked increase in maintenance after only five years. My experience is that certain econo models suffer far worse than the higher end. For me it gets to be a bother that things start to corrode, leak, and fail far too regularly (for a daily driver at least) once the car gets over ten years old and some can be very expensive, sometimes surpassing the value of the car. There are exceptions, but they're just that. Replacing a heater core or clutch for example in some cars is a major and expensive job if you need to have it done. Some peoples pain/annoyance threshold is higher than others. For example we always try to have one newer car and one ten year old car in good condition. Mileage accounts for most maintenance but so does age for the aforementioned kind of issue.
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