Originally Posted by Thymeclock
Sure you could. Instead of using the latch on the nozzle, try using your car key (or any other object of the desired height) to hold the nozzle partially open, but not wide open.
I'm surprised your state still allows having the latches on self-serve pumps. In most states they have mandated removal of them, except on full-serve pumps. Most of us simply jam the gas cap in the nozzle handle to keep the pump running rather than hold it for the whole time of refueling. It's technically illegal to do it - but that's another unenforceable law, conjured up by our busybody legislators.
I'll try my gas cap next time, great idea and thanks!
MN laws are goofy, just like everywhere else, but we don't have full service gas stations anymore. There is one full service station in an old town nearby but it's just because the owner of the place feels the need to do it. His gas pumps are the super old kind with an actual dial/roll for the numbers....man I miss those style pumps.