Originally Posted by i_am_socket
My commute consists of driving ~23 miles along the Garden State Parkway during the beginnings of rush hour each way. Some days I'm averaging 60, some days I'm crawling at 7. That's the Jersey crap shoot.
I'm going through that list and there's a few things I'm doing already like driving slower (doing 75 got me to work faster but...) and reducing idling (as much as I can on available routes). I love #17. As a triathlete in training I avoid fast food like the plague, let alone go to the drive-through!
Welcome to the site. Now that it has warmed up a bit you should see even better mileage. If you can afford it you ought to see about a
SG(scan Gauge)Break out the tri-bike and put the hammer down you'll be to work in a hour.