The scan gauge is an idea, just have to wait for proper fund availability

I'd LOVE to bike to work and it would take a similar amount of time some days, but unfortunately I need to pass through the most densely populated, hazardous, and (outside of Camden) dangerous area of Jersey. Just picked up a pair of cruiser bikes for myself and my girlfriend (soon to be fiancé, shhhh don't tell :P) so we can avoid a lot of short local trips.
When I was up for massive OT at work, I'd leave an hour early and late and the rides were great! Of course this was when I was doing 75-80 mph...
Now, I've been looking at some of the DIY mods and they look great, but I lack the mechanical skill/materials/work space to make it work for me that well. Has anyone used one of the premade body kits and altered those for more FE and less ricer-ness?