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Old 04-03-2011, 05:55 PM   #162 (permalink)
EV Builder
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Latest Firmware version 1.2 and revised BOM

OK gentlemen, I addressed the issues identified thusfar and would like to call this my final contribution. I updated the BOM to show note2 this time (R20 selection) and changed J1 header to a 2-pin terminal block like jackbauer used. Also indicate 411systems as alternate source for LCD.

Firmware changes as follows:
- Oversampling for 11-bit resolution on pack and accessory voltages. This doubles the resolution of these voltages, but is really not 11bit. I'd call it 10-1/2 for accuracy

- Implement 3x transmit of profile parameter values to ensure accepting. I had tried disabling controller with rtd-period=0 first, but even having it accept this was hit or miss! It seems the brute force method works best- just retransmit profile 2 more times and it took all parameters every time!

- Fix fuel gage PWM bug (remove the rogue line of code).

- Extend MTE/KTE display to 3 digits

For this firmware update I only included the ASM files (a for PIC18F2420 and b for PIC18F2480). Just replace the existing 1.1 ASM files in the project with these and recompile.

Hopefully sawickm can get these up on the portal.

It was really cool seeing jackbauer and apowers versions installed & working. I have ideas for tracking charge current, reading a speed sensor and even monitoring and displaying brake vacuum using a freescale MPXV6115VC6U (latter two require the PIC18F2420). If I get them working I will certainly post them along with code. They'll probably be summer projects.
I'm sure others will do the same.
Good luck everyone
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File Type: zip Firmware (33.4 KB, 50 views)
File Type: zip Cougar LCD Instrumentation Board (43.3 KB, 51 views)
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The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to Freyguy For This Useful Post: (04-26-2011), apowers (04-03-2011), jackbauer (04-03-2011), mrbigh (04-03-2011), pnikolaj (04-03-2011)