WAI and/or the grille blocks seem to be helping a lot. I've had them both on for the tanks since the second one on March 13. Cardboard grille block has gone through several more rainstorms and still going strong. Probably helps that it is back in the bumper pretty far. Even the painters tape is still holding up. Thinking of making foam inserts for the rest of the lower grille, so I can easily block them on highway trips. Intake temps really cool down when going 60MPH.
I removed the power steering pump belt on April 3, and got 41MPG the next tank. I'm guessing it adds about 2MPG. Steering is a little difficult at low speeds, but I can definitely get used to it, especially with how much it saves. I would recommend trying it if you have a Civic, it takes about 2 minutes and a 12mm wrench to remove the belt.
I found a place in Santa Cruz that sells coroplast. Hopefully I'll get up there this Saturday and get some. I'm thinking just smooth wheel covers and rear skirts for now.
On the highway, I hold the TPS at 18.8 (I have gotten very good at doing this, and can hold it for miles and miles at a time) and it goes about 62MPH on the flats. I usually give it just a bit more on especially long or steep hills, but it handles small hills without slowing too much. I would try a TPS that would keep it around 55MPH, but 62MPH seems to be a great compromise between keeping up with traffic and efficiency.
Last edited by vskid3; 04-05-2011 at 02:12 AM..