Am I missing something? Why are you leaving the engine running in the first place? As much as I've seen improvements from DFCO once I discovered it and started using it instead of coasting in neutral (probably 1.5mpg improvement), compared to driving with the engine off but the ignition switch in the run position, there's no comparison. As soon as I see a light up the road, sometimes a quarter mile ahead, I'm putting my car (manual transmission) into neutral and turning off the engine to start coasting. If the light turns green, then I bump start it. If I'm forced to stop, then I watch the cross light and restart upon seeing the yellow light come on. It's a solid 2mpg better than just leaving it running in my commute, but YMMV. I have an 8.5 mile descent that I have the engine off for, for all but 5 seconds.
Cheat to win. Playing by the rules is for people who have money to burn on gas.