As a mod you should know better, bud.
Plenty of data out there. If you don't know this, than you should really not be commenting.
It is not voodoo that a larger more massive modern vehicle with a multitude of safety feature will fair better than a smaller car. In fact due to their overwhelming advantage in the chance encounter that the two should collide, it has been suggested by law makers that manufacturers make SUV less massive, aka, less safe, so that the two parties have a greater chance of survivability.
Does more mass equate to a safer vehicle not necessarily, but it does decrease the chances of a lighter vehicle fairing well against one.
If you take a look at modern automotive data you will find that in general in spite of using lighter weight materials and modern low waste CAD engineering cars have steadily increased in weight due in part to increased safety. Taking the human equation out, cars could be made much lighter and more efficient, but since we need to live hopefully intact, cars have gotten safer but heavier. A little toy-car concept with your head in line to most cars' bumpers without being a 700hp Lamborghini, is not a car that the general public will want, and would not be safe to drive, unless of course there was a global shift in the automotive world and all of a sudden everyone was in one of these things.
Tests were done recently over the safety of the Smart car (engineered by Mercedes Benz mind you), concluding that they are far less safe than conventional cars.......also this just in: water is wet.
Last edited by XJguy; 04-19-2011 at 05:42 PM..