Originally Posted by Frank Lee
So... the registration laws of the state you are passing through supercede the laws of your home state?
I agree with you Frank, altho I haven't read the state statutes in a few years I have read them for my state and it did say very clearly that all vehicle laws around licensing and registering and what types of vehicles are allowed on the roads from my home state carry over to other states as long as my state honers laws from that state.
So if there is a law that says otherwise I would like to see it cited.
I would also like to see this law cited that says that a bicycle can only have up to 3 wheels, because my understanding was that a bicycle had pedals and wheels that were over 12" and that a bicycle could have a motor up to 750 watts and still be a bicycle in the eyes of the law, not a motorized bicycle, so if federal law is different now it would be nice if that piece of law could be cited so that we could all read it as well.