Here's a picture of the fuel rail pulled with the fuel injecters still attached. The fuel line is still connected but I had already depresurized the fuel system.
The second picture is all of the dirty fuel and debris that was in the fuel rail after I pulled everything off. I flushed it clean and scrubed any stuborn particles off until I couldn't get anything but fuel out of it. I did finish the installation of the filter but will get pictures for those later on.
I cleared the check engine light and it didn't come back which is great as well as the idle seems to have smoothed out a little. Only time will tell if the fuel filter does the trick. Being as I only had about 500 miles on it since the last time I had the fuel injecters out and cleaned/checked the fuel rail to accumulate all of that, not to mention what may have gotten into my engine.
I'll post more later!