Did the rebuild alter compression ratio?
What is the speed limit before sudden 600 foot climb on the way home (how far can you coast up the hill and is it so crazy that coasting is not an option)? Can you wait and start the car until the bottom of hill (just before you have a chance to accelerate slowly upon instant startup) when you leave home?
Do you always wait excessively to accelerate slowly, or do you weigh what it costs to sit there vs. what it costs to accelerate quickly within your mind? By "slowly" do you mean "a slight push" or do you mean at least a 25% turn on the TPS (throttle position sensor?
Did it have factory air conditioning (ever)? Does it now? Was the camshaft replaced during the rebuild?
I think an automatic can get like 55mpg at 39mph over an extended period of time that has neither acceleration, deceleration, or excessive electric drag from the alternater. If I'm right, then 40mpg is plausible (and what I think is usually more than possible and likely an average of everyone {or the beautiful mpg of an automatic 97 3cylinder metro}).
I'm a weird poster.