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Old 05-04-2011, 09:14 AM   #6 (permalink)
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First off, you can NEVER have too many projects, but the time thing is an issue as well as money.

Originally Posted by vacationtime247 View Post
1. Do you work on the same project until finished, or jump from one to the next?
I usually work on a few at the same time. If I'm waiting on parts or something for one I'll work on the other. I also like having a choice of working on what I want. If its electronics one day it might be mechanical stuff the next.

2. Having a lot of projects usually means having to many cars, bikes, engines, etc. Do you find yourself hoarding parts? Things you may never use again, but it's to good to recycle?
Of course! Better to have sitting around than have to buy. It also helps to know others that are the same way. You can share parts and your storage space grows.

3. Are your projects and garage organized or scattered?
Usually scattered, but in an organized way where I know where stuff is.

4. Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the amount of things needing fixed? Or are the projects something you look forward to working on?
Very rarely do I feel overwhelmed. I normally look forward to working on the projects. The stuff that NEEDS to get done always gets worked on first, and thankfully they usually don't pile up.

5. Once you complete a project do you look to get another shortly after completion? Or drive and use the completed project for a while before moving on to the next?
I usually start the next project while working on the current one.
Current project: A better alternator delete
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