I have a Dakota, but I am pretty sure that if the air clears your tailgate at highway speeds then a tonneau won't do you a whole lotta good. You can check this with tuft testing, even though you'll look kinda dumb.
If I recall, there were a bunch of tests done and linked up here previously, and the best cover is a hard fiberglass one that is smooth and painted. Next was a smooth topped soft that is as flush with the sides as possible.
My truck only has the 5 foot bed, not the 6 foot, so in my tuft testing, I had found that the air starts clearing my cover at speeds above 55 mph, so ANYTHING on the highway totally clears my truck... dunno what to do about that really, but I need the cover to lock up my tools for work.
As for the air dam, you can make it go down to the lowest part of your suspension. I believe the Rams are set up similar to my truck where your front crossmember sits lower than your front bumper. All you need to do is match that.
Next thing you could do is a grill block. I'm still designing mine, but hopefully I get good results.