12-16-2007, 01:45 PM
#3 (permalink)
Batman Junior
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DifferentPointofView quote
DifferentPointofView said:
Actually, A magazine did a test on after market filters, from brands like AEM, K&N, and other name brands I can't think of. As far as filtration goes K&N Finished on top of the filtration part, and I know that on their boxes it provides an Air Flow Comparison Chart in CFM on Average Disposable Aftermarket paper Air Filter vs. an oiled Cotton Gauze K&N filter in both typical Round and Panel Type Filters. Also, If you go onto www.knfilters.com you can view a complete test protocol with results on a particular vehicle and what was observed.
A typical round filter was tested, and filtered out 548 CFM, and a K&N did 881 CFM. A Panel Did 319 CFM while the K&N Panel Did 441 CFM.
Now I This is just filtration data, As for MPG I dont know, but some tests would have to be had to get accurate data.
I really didn't buy a K&N filter for the MPG part, It was more for the 10 Year 1,000,000 mile warranty and how I didn't have to keep buying new filters all the time, Minimizing landfill. And All I have to do is use their cleaner to get out the gunk, and rinse it out, then re-oil. I like the landfill Idea most probably. And I save money cause the re-oiling stuff costs less than a new OEM ZJ Filter. And It will hopefully outlast the car itself.