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Old 05-19-2011, 11:35 PM   #10 (permalink)
Cyborg ECU
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Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Coastal Southern California
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Black and Green - '98 Honda Civic DX Coupe
Team Honda
90 day: 66.42 mpg (US)

Black and Red - '00 Nashbar Custom built eBike
90 day: 3671.43 mpg (US)
Thanks: 2,373
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I wonder if this was not a consequence of too much EOC combined, especially, with shutting the engine off at lights and using the starter motor to get going again. What do you think?

Used this as a good excuse to get a voltmeter and tested the battery, which read in the normal range (13v). But I noticed that sometimes it cut out. The positive terminal has corosion, not very noticable really, under the plastic insulating cover, that seems to interrupt power sometimes, a little, not totally, it seems. But even before I did this test, the starter had started working normally again--AFTER I bump-started and drove around a bit. I think my combination of EOC and frequent shut-offs at lights might have run the battery down.

Do now I don't shut off at lights, and I generally park on a hill and bump start, saving, maybe, alternator draw on the motor. Opinions?
See my car's mod & maintenance thread and my electric bicycle's thread for ongoing projects. I will rebuild Black and Green over decades as parts die, until it becomes a different car of roughly the same shape and color. My minimum fuel economy goal is 55 mpg while averaging posted speed limits. I generally top 60 mpg. See also my Honda manual transmission specs thread.

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